Mead Treadwell Considering Run for Governor, Frank the Bank Being Asked to

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Multiple Republican sources have confirmed that Mead Treadwell is considering running for governor. The filing deadline is June 1 at 5 pm, a week away. A contingent of Republicans, who could best be described as Ted Stevens Republicans, aren’t excited about Republican candidate Mike Dunleavy. They are looking for a more traditional, business Republican.

Scott Hawkins and Mike Chenault, both Republican candidates for governor, have not seemed to get much momentum. Many feel that Dunleavy is the clear front runner at this point. The primary is on August 16, under three months away.

Two sources also confirmed a recent meeting at Treadwell’s house with Americans for Tax Reform founder Grover Norquist and “Americans for Prosperity types.” (How come no one told me Grover Norquist was in town?) I doubt the the only thing discussed at the meeting was national tax policy.

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