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> August 2019
Kenai Peninsula hunters urged to avoid wildfire areas
BP hands off Prudhoe Bay to a hungry wolf in Hilcorp
End of an era as Hilcorp buys out BP for $5.6B
Back to school for UAA students, ending angst-ridden 7 months
Swan Lake Fire: Sterling Highway Update
Man dies after stabbing K-9 officer with sword during standoff with police
Wild, Wild West of recall campaign laws
The upside
Brennan: Big things in the works
Budgeting for a day at the Alaska State Fair
‘Like it was never there’: Mat-Su RV Park destroyed in McKinley Fire
Banks see positives in economy amid budget debate
Homer man arrested for killing moose, leaving carcass in backyard to rot
Dunleavy bypasses reporters, goes straight to the people
Initiative filed seeking $1 billion tax hike on oil industry
Listicle: The vetoes; and the restored funding in the budget
The Dan Fagan Podcast Page is up to date!
Parks Hiway open to one-lane traffic with pilot cars but may close anytime
Brennan: Homeless taking over parks
The private sector, not the government, is what drives an economy
OPINION: Sound and fury with no assembly required
Breaking: Cuts to University System: $70 million over three years
Dunleavy restores Senior Benefits program
Will Dunleavy veto the $1,600 PFD, or let it stand?
Killers on the road
Court fight over King Cove road enters third round
Dunleavy signs second, funded capital budget with vetoes
CIRI Board of Directors supports Gov. Dunleavy recall efforts
Sen. Chris Birch passes; heart attack
wildlife troopers warn hunters about using tech in the field
Sales tax proposal brings opponents to Mat-Su Borough Assembly meeting
Down, down, down
The Dan Fagan Podcast Page is Up to date!
Must Read Alaska publisher Suzanne Downing blows away the competition
Assembly authorizes $400,000 for Brother Francis Homeless Shelter
Giessel and Edgmon ask governor to call Special Session III
Anchorage Economic Development Corp: We like PFDs, sometimes
Anchorage Assembly approves $42M contract for first new port dock